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All intellectual property rights (including but not limited to copyrights, design rights, patent rights, utility model rights, trademark rights, and know-how) and other rights to the contents of this Website (including but not limited to text, sales copies, logos, trademarks, designs, photographs, illustrations, videos, still images, and audio, the same applies hereinafter) belong to the Compony or the content supplier, except as otherwise specified. Except for use as permitted by trademark law, copyright law, or other applicable laws, or where permission is stated on this Website, you may not use, reproduce, modify, analyze, transmit, transfer, lend, license, export, or otherwise use this information in any medium, whether commercial or non-commercial, without obtaining our prior permission.
*Customer may use the "Fabric Specification” and "Detailed Information” on each product page to sell or otherwise market the products using the fabric. However, please note that the customer must use the content in the same way as described it by us. We shall not be responsible for any problems that may occur in product as a result the customer’s modification.

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All industrial use rights related to the designs, trademarks, and specifications of the products sold on this Website belong to us or the suppliers of such products. We will take legal action, including injunctive relief and claims for damages against any infringement of our rights, including the manufacture and sale of counterfeit products, including injunctive relief.


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Please put “Disabled Access” in the subject line and provide a description of the specific feature you feel is not fully accessible or a suggestion for improvement. We take your feedback seriously and will consider it as we evaluate ways to accommodate all of our customer and our overall accessibility policies.


If you have any questions or comments about our products or this Website, please feel free to contact us via email or "Chat".
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Explore our frequently asked questions here. We have answered frequent asked questions here.

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